an initiation into Your purpose

through conscious business

an initiation into Your purpose

through conscious business

has your calling chosen you?

You may be at the start of your next level and you know that you are ready to take that step but just not sure how to do it.

You know that you have a calling, a purpose that's far greater than you. You have had to learn so much in your journey, you've done the work & now you're ready to embody it fully.

You are incredible & by now have realized that you can probably figure it out on your own but you know that if you had the exact step by step support to turn that idea to income you would be able to to make it happen with so much more ease.

You've Tried To Bring It To Life

We know what it feels like to have the voice inside you that says "you just have to do it."

We've experienced having to try to balance everything that your life is already filled with to bring in something new.

Yes, it really is possible to be able to launch an offer that will change everything for you in a way thats easeful, divine & heart centred.

Yes, you can attract your soulmate client to you and just embody the powerful leader you are.

Yes, you are in the right place, we are here to show you just so easeful it can be..

(Want to know how? Keep reading...)

We will help you access the support, training & resources you need in order to launch yourself and get your soulmate clients

You are here to move mountains

Conscious Coach Academy was created to help spiritual leaders access support, training and resources you need in order to ascend into your soul's purpose - plus all the sacred codes you need to activate your journey.

Your Soulmate Clients NEED you right now, they are searching for exactly what you offer.

You didn't incarnate to just punch the time clock on someone else's have your own vision that expands far beyond what you can even fully comprehend.

You are here to bring change, bring wisdom and bring movement...

Through your artwork, your healing, your strategy...

There is no one more divinely ordained to bring your vision to life and every cell in your body is screaming, "I am READY!"

You have powerful medicine brewing inside of you and the only thing left to do is figure out how to get it to the world.

Are you ready to do things differently?

Conscious Coach Academy Is NOT A Coaching Program

This is an Initiation into your sovereignty

Conscious Coach Academy is the first & only of its kind...

No where else will you receive this level of support on a business, personal, spiritual, and energetic level.

We recognize that your journey is wholly unique, encompassing a full spectrum of ideas, emotions and experiences...and we are here for all of it.

Our highly specialized, heart-centered team of coaches & healers are fully committed to ensure every aspect of your journey is well thought out, supported and customized to support you exactly where you are right now.

This program completely changed my life and put me on the accelerated path of building my dream life and really releasing all the fears and confusion I carried previously that made starting a successful business feel almost impossible.. my life has just already been able to transform in so many powerful ways


This is the most in-depth business coaching program I've ever experienced. If you're on the fence, you need to deeply look at what's working and what's not working for your business - CCA doesn't only help you find the answers, they help you take action. You won't find a program like this anywhere else


I’ve landed 2 clients of whom I’ve been working with for 6 & 5 weeks. I feel confident and capable. Even though it's completely new. I am embodying my divine feminine in a completely new way. Experiencing my magnetism and integral seductive powers, opening me up to new abundance


Receive the perfect combination of both the Divine Masculine structure & the Divine Feminine flow in order to cultivate a business that supports every aspect of what you & your soulmate clients need & desire.

Masculine Structure

The support you need to immerse yourself in the ideation, structure and strategy for your soul aligned business.

  • Weekly Mastermind Calls with Live Q+A

  • 1:1 Strategy Call

  • Online Learning Library

  • Launch Plan & Action Steps

  • Weekly Assignments & Workbooks

  • Website, Email & Social Media Templates

  • Customizable Business Brand Book

Feminine Flow

The sacred space you crave to feel safe as you unravel the parts of your soul ready to be activated as you step into your divine purpose,

  • Weekly Live Integration Ceremony

  • 1:1 Astrology Session

  • Shadow Work Support

  • Online Integration Library

  • Weekly Healing Prompts

  • Embodiment Practices

  • Intimate Community

It’s time activate your divine gifts and power as a conscious coach...

  • Want to activate your true power as in your divine magnetism?

  • Want to easefully attract the perfect soulmate clients into your life?

  • Want to authentically share your message and be paid for it?

  • Want to release the blocks & limiting beliefs in your life?

  • Want to open the flow of your abundance into your life?

  • Want to heal from your shadows, 'shoulds', & shame?

  • Want to grow connected to a community of powerful leaders?

  • Want to align your business in a way that flows with ease & grace?

I’ve experienced a powerful shift in my life, my career and I can genuinely say that I’m not the same person that I was when I first signed up for coaching. The support, kindness and the sacred space that you provide is unmatched to any other coach that I’ve worked with. I feel safe expressing parts of myself that I held back for so long. It’s a powerful experience when a coach accepts every aspect of who are and holds space for your rebirth to come to life while gently guiding you. I appreciate you so much!


There is so much value to the whole program and I am only a few weeks in. The support and teachings one receives to grow within their business is in depth and geared towards creating real impact. am definitely gaining more clarity each week and have learned so much within the workshops each week.


He sees me. We go so deep. Everything gets talked about and organized. It's been so enriching and valuable for me.Greg is such an amazing coach and guide he's so intelligent, understanding and insightful. Full of tools and knowledge to help you navigate any situation you find yourself in. His ability to see what needs to be done, provide processes, show up powerfully in full integrity and give space is a balance of a mastery he has.


Introducing the Science of Spiritual Coaching

Step Into YOUR POWER And Become the Abundant, Wildly Successful Coach You Were Meant to Be.

If you're looking to serve your clients at a higher level so you can make more impact and more income, you're in the right place. Whether you're a new coach or you've been at it for a while, our in-depth trainings will help you discover the roadmap to the life and business you deserve.




The Academy at a glance.

Weekly Mastermind Call

Each week you will have weekly mastermind call where we will walk you through the process to get you attracting & getting soulmate clients, launching your offer with ease & making your business one that others seek out.

Weekly Embodiment Ceremony

Each week you will have access to an integration ceremony where you will be supported on all the innerwork, shadow work & embodiment that is essential in achieving true sovereignty in your life.

Private Online Community

You will be surrounded with some of the most incredible, heart centred leaders who understand the journey of ascension and are here to serve their souls mission. You will be welcomed with open hearts to a community dedicated to being the bridge to help Gaia and humanity ascend. Making friendships, partnerships & bonds that will last a lifetime.

The Launch Library

You will be given lifetime access to all the content, including any updates, additions & expansion of the course. Even after the 120 days of support you will continue to have access to all the lessons & resources to continue to support your entire journey.

One-on-One Calls

You will have access to support with all of the coaches to help you integrate and bring to life your business. This gives you the ability to take your learning even deeper. Step by step support for bringing your visions to life.

Achieve the purpose, impact, and financial freedom you've always wanted.

Marketing yourself & growing your business is one of the biggest tests of our own personal evolution.

I've found an inner confidence toward my passions unlike anything I've ever experienced before. I've been able to find clarity around my ideals and my role while also building strategy to be successful. I'm so confident now in the tools CCA has given me that I was able to quit my draining 9-5 job to go all in with my business. I feel incredibly supported and engaged with by the coaches and other members of the community and no longer feel like I'm "doing it all alone."


Over $7,200 In Bonuses

Joining CCA, you'll get access to these bonus trainings & resources to serve you on your path.

Abundance Alchemy

Get access to THE most complete course on how to master your abundance frequency & attract wealth into your life. ($997 Value)

Private 1:1 Coaching

Get access to private 1:1 coaching; deep dive your full business strategy, astrology reading & monthly 1:1 calls. ($2,210 Value)

Systems Simplified

Get access to 4 fully built plug and play website templates; a website landing page, lead magnet page, appointment booking, PLUS sales page with hands on setup support.

($1,997 Value)

Spiritual Business Toolkit

Get access to all the resources you need; contracts, emails, scripts, content templates & a full brand kit

($1,997 Value)

Let's Talk About Investment

You know what's expensive?

Letting another year slip you by without real progress.

Never having the success you need to step into your true sovereignty.

Taking whatever clients you can get not soulmate clients.

Burning out yourself & your audience "trying" to make it happen.

Not making consistent & noticeable gains in key life areas.

You know what else is?

3 Months with a Business Coach - $4,000+

3 Months with a Branding Coach - $4,000+

3 Months with a Messaging Coach - $4,000+

3 Months with a Shadow Work Coach - $4,000+

A Course on Money Magnetism - $1,111

A Course on Leadership & Influence - $2,997

That's over $20,000

This is the most in-depth business coaching program I've ever experienced. If you're on the fence, you need to deeply look at what's working and what's not working for your business. CCA doesn't only help you find the answers, they help you take action. You won't find a program like this anywhere else.


Have Additional Questions?

Text us at (647) 277-2828

Meet the Team

Greg Bigs - Founder & Activator

As the founder and primary facilitator, Greg is responsible for holding the vision and constantly innovating new ways to serve the community through the divine masculine structure, esoteric teachings and leadership we need and crave. Greg oversees the unique and powerful ways we can come together to share our medicine, serve our purpose and expand as a community dedicated to uplifting the collective while living rich, abundant lives full of prosperity, community, and love.

Facilitating classes on business, structure, abundance, technology, systems, wealth, sales, mindset and consciousness.

Kristina Bignell - Co-Founder & Intuitive

As the Intuitive Healer and Sacred Space Holder, Kristina is responsible for creating beautiful ceremonies designed to help you integrate and embody the shadows and lessons you learn as you navigate the process of stepping into divine leadership. From Ceremonies to The Feminine Strategy for creating a soul-aligned business, Kristina is available for all students to assure they feel supported, seen and aligned with their vision.

Her number one goal in working with students is to see them rise and thrive as the most embodied, powerful version of themselves. Kristina believes our primary purpose in this lifetime is to be our most authentic, aligned self as that is where our gifts shine, message is heard and life's work is flowing.

Facilitating classes and ceremonies on astrology, intuition and branding with an emphasis on crafting rituals and healings that contribute to wholeness, alignment, radical self-love and embodiment of purpose, Kristina uses her gifts as a psychic channel to help you tap into your unique spiritual gifts and energetic blueprint while utilizing her Manifestor design to help you turn your highest vision into reality.

Sam Morton - Strategy & Mentorship

As an activator, Sam helps you tap into the deep psychology of your ideal client, and build authentic messaging systems that help them say YES to getting help from you in your area of genius.

Being a longtime musician and songwriter, Sam’s journey into the space of coaching started from a dark-night-of-the-soul experience. After the birth of his daughter Eva, he pushed his family to move out to LA so that he could fulfil his dreams of being a household name artist and industry songwriter. But when everything collapsed in his industry contacts and he couldn’t provide for his family, he knew that this wasn’t the path for him.

Through a year-long process of exploring entrepreneurship of all types, Sam fell into coaching from meeting powerful mentors who shared aspects of his story, and began further investing himself into the space of Psychology, Empowerment, Healing, and Business to eventually finding himself using Authenticity as the North Star of his work.

Whether it’s in Soul Alignment, Money Mindset, Connection or Content Strategies, Sam has a deeply grounded authentic approach and helps to make the intangible tangible so that his students and clients can see the highest levels of soulful success.

Tianna Morin - Embodiment & Accountability

As an Embodiment Coach for Entrepreneurs, Tianna helps our students to break down their business dreams- into easy and applicable steps they can take to manifest this reality. Her goal is to help you maximize your day-to-day flow, embody the next level of your business, and to help you connect to the cosmic realms so the manifestation process feels like a breeze.

Tianna believes that a key to manifesting a business in alignment with your soul is to unlock your unique energetic blueprint. She guides you combining human design and astrology to help you understand the powerful & unique frequency only YOU hold. That way- you can step more into your purpose and magnetize clients to your business.

She began her journey back in 2020 as a virtual assistant for spiritual coaches. From the beginning, she credits intention ceremonies & manifestation as the keys that allowed her to quit her 9-5, manifest her soulmate, and leave her hometown in Orlando to live nomadically across the United States.

Her spiritual coach clients consider her a master at many things on the back-end of their business from operations, to creative design, & client relations.

Tianna seeks to work with entrepreneurs who want to master their unique blueprint, manifest a new level in their business with ease, and launch their program with success! If you identify as a Goddess Entrepreneur- you will benefit immensely from her teachings.